We may have different Religions , languages and colors of skins But we all belong to one human race.
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Everyone, being a part of the international community must know What is Cultural Diversity? and everyone should learn certain rules to promote cultural coexistence and tolerance in the world. What are those rules? Here is a list.
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To make this planet a worth living place, everyone should learn and practice such rules. Cultural diversity is indeed the beauty of the world. Everyone is different and that’s the only commonality among them. The diversity of cultures in the world not only makes societies more robust and creative, but it also helps people to cope with the change. I hope this all has cleared the question of what is cultural diversity?
Cultural pluralism is there to promote peace and harmony among different cultures and not to create conflicts and wars. Therefore, the need of the hour is to encourage cultural diversity, cultural coexistence, and cultural tolerance to promote peace and harmony in society and the world.