It is very difficult to trace the history of Naat. It is difficult to find when it was exactly started. In Arab, during the time of Muhammad S.A.W, poetry was an influential part of their culture. Poets held very respectable positions in Arab culture at that time. There had been special poets for each tribe that writes and recites that poetry. Poets who recite Naat called as naat khwan.
Hazrat Hassan ibn e Thabit R.A was known as Shair-e-Darbaar-e-Risalat, had the honor of being the first poet of Islam. According to history, even before accepting Islam Hazrat Hassan ibn e Thabit R.A was a poet. After embracing Islam, he gave a new shape to his poetry and started writing Naats. He defended Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W and The religion Islam by giving response in poetry to the poets who attacked Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W and the religion Islam. Therefore he is known as the first poet and Naat khwan in Islamic history.
“Tala al Badru Alay na” is believed to be one of the earliest naat which recited when the people of Madina received Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W when He S.A.W migrated from Makkah to Madina. After that many a poets dedicated their lives towards the writing of naats and followed this trend. A famous Urdu Naat “Terey hotey janam lia hota”
تیرے ہوتے جنم لیا ہوتا
کوئی مجھ سا نا دوسرا ہوتا
سانس لیتا تو اور میں جی اٹھتا
کاش مکہ کی میں فضا ہوتا
تیرے حجرے کے آس پاس کہیں
میں کچہ راستہ ہوتا
میں بھی ہوتا تیرا غلام کوئی
لا کھ کہتا ، نہ میں رہا ہوتا
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